SWOT analysis of national nature parks





nature reserve fund, nature protection institution, NNP territory organization project, development strategy, TOWS analysis


In Ukraine 56 national nature parks (NNP) have been created, which are powerful centers for the preservation of natural complexes, recreation, conducting scientific nature conservation research and ecological educational work. The work of the NPP is regulated by the park territory organization project. It is based on a 10-year development strategy of the environmental protection institution. A comprehensive analysis of the organization’s work is the basis for developing a strategy for its development. Today, various tools are used to conduct such an analysis, including SWOT analysis. We have proposed approaches to conducting such an analysis in national natural parks. The factors affecting the formation of the strengths and weaknesses of the NNP work, its opportunities for development and threats have been determined. It is proposed to conduct a SWOT/TOWS analysis of the work of national nature parks in order to determine the strategic goals of the nature protection institution. For this, it is proposed to consider the interrelationships of factors in the sectors of comparative advantages, challenges and risks. Based on the proposed approach, an analysis of the work of the Nobel National Natural Park was carried out, which made it possible to determine the park’s development prospects.

Author Biographies

M. Shershun, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher

T. Mykytyn, Rivne State Humanities University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

S. Іvashinyuta, Nadsluchansky institute of the National university of water and environmental engineering

Candidate of Agricultural sciences

V. Dіkovytskyi, The Nobel National Nature Park



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