European concept of ecologically balanced nature management in a market economy




greenhouse effect, methane emission, freshwater, environmental protection, waste disposal, protected forests, recycling, compensation payments


The main task of the article is to establish the cause-and-effect links between the factors of environmental pollution and motivational mechanisms for ecologization of the economy in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. It is determined that the specificity of agricultural production is their close connection with the environment and its significant pollution with greenhouse gases and other harmful substances. It is established that the rate of global warming can be decreased by half by reducing the production of animal and plant products and increasing the use of renewable energy sources in the production sector. It is found that in the process of economic transformation, considerable attention should be paid to the need to reduce energy intensity, material intensity, ecologization of technological processes and improvement of product quality. In the realization of economic policy, the priority should be the use of environmental mechanisms for its regulation, and production should be concerned not only with satisfying the needs of consumers of products, but also with reducing the negative impact on ecosystems. The dynamics of total emissions into the atmosphere by households in a number of European countries is determined and the main reasons for such changes are indicated. A systematic analysis of the indicators that characterize the volume of fresh surface and groundwater intake per capita is carried out and the depth of the water crisis in the EU countries is determined. The article analyses the level of waste disposal and recommends the most effective waste management technologies, and studies the dynamics of changes in the area of protected forests in Europe to identify the tree species that are the best cleaners of the air. The size of compensatory contributions of countries under global climate commitments and indicators of total environmental transfers for environmental protection activities are researched. An integrated approach is used to determine the real impact of various types of economic activity of European countries on the environment. It is recommended to study and implement the experience of European market economies regarding the conceptual principles of balanced environmental management in Ukraine.

Author Biography

V. Polishchuk, Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education

Сandidate of Geographical Sciences, Docent


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