Features of the development of the wood processing industry under the conditions of the marital state
enterprises, forest use, environmental protection, planning, risk management mechanismsAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of the woodworking industry in the conditions of martial law, and on the basis of the studied material, the factors and aspects of the influence of the legal regime of martial law on the development of the industry are given. It was analyzed that the realization of woodworking products in the period from 2010 to 2021 was estimated on the basis of the dynamics of production, which includes paper and printing activities, which, according to the analysis, amounted to about 6% of the total volume of realization of manufacturing industry products. In 2021, 5.35% of the completed work was spent on the purchase of the most valuable woodworking skill. It was determined that the development of the woodworking industry under martial law requires flexibility, innovation and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. At the same time, it can perform an important function in meeting the needs of the military complex and contribute to economic recovery after the end of the conflict. Aspects that may affect the woodworking industry during martial law are suggested, including: reduced production, dependence on imports, diversion of resources, aspects related to destruction, restrictions on exports and trade, etc.
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