Ecological-economic issues of modern horticulture and their solutions




intensive gardening, efficiency, chemical plant protection products, environmental situation, fruit and berry crops, environmental factors, sustainability, investment, innovation, agro-industrial complex


In the article, the main risks of gardening are identified, which are associated with natural and climatic conditions and the slow pace of intensification of the gardening industry. Factors that hinder the development of the gardening industry are revealed, including: violation of economic principles of organizing expanded reproduction; lack of domestic production of mechanization, automation and chemicalization means, insufficient qualification level of specialists. The directions of development of gardening are defined, which provide for the transition to an intensive way of growing gardens and the production of planting material of new quality, close in its parameters to countries with developed gardening. The use of various chemical protection agents and the increase in the yield of fruit and berry crops require the adoption of urgent ecological stabilization measures.

Author Biographies

O. Bendasiuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Ya. Almashiy, Uzhhorod National University

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor


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