Features of the development of the beekeeping industry in the context of global experience
export, import, production, honey, products, market, agricultural sectorAbstract
The dynamics of the volume of Ukrainian honey is analyzed, since Ukraine positions itself in the international community as a powerful agricultural producer and exporter of honey products. It was determined that the production of high-quality beekeeping products should become a key component of the state strategy for the formation of a competitive agricultural sector at a new level, as well as for ensuring food independence and security of Ukraine. It is known from the experience of European countries that organic agriculture can improve the living conditions of producers and strengthen economic stability. It is necessary to implement the directives of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU as soon as possible, taking into account the improvements we have made. In this way, we will be able to protect the domestic market from low-quality imports and the foreign market from unwanted exports. It is substantiated that in the current conditions of the EU, much attention is paid to research in the field of beekeeping economy with the aim of transforming this area and achieving the strategic goal of increasing the competitiveness of products at the European and international levels.
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