Analysis of the indicators of the environmental state of the Southern Buh River basin in Vinnytsia
create, monitoring, water quality, pollution levelAbstract
An analysis of modern ecological problems of the Southern Buh River basin was carried out, which allows to identify the most painful ecological threats. Ways to solve these problems and to optimize management of ecological safety of water resources of Vinnytsia region are proposed. Surface water is a special natural resource of strategic importance for any state. It determines the development trends of all branches of the economy. Scientifically unfounded anthropogenic load, intensified by climate change, leads to quantitative and qualitative degradation of rivers. The problem of water quality is considered as the most important social, scientific and technical problem of our time, the solution of which largely depends on the correct management of water systems. Therefore, it is relevant to study the quality of surface water in order to predict changes in the state of the hydroecosystem and reduce the risks of unstable exploitation of water by water users. After analyzing the ecological condition of the Southern Buh River, according to the data of open sources of ecological monitoring, it was confirmed that the main pollutant within the city of Vinnytsia is the discharge of storm water. Surface pollution is formed due to the extremely unsatisfactory condition of the territories of coastal protection strips, enterprises, and the adjacent territories of individual home ownership. According to the data of the regional sanitary-epidemiological service, the specific weight of drinking water samples that do not meet the sanitary standards for microbiological contamination was 5.9%. Control of the water condition of the Southern Buh River in the territory of the city of Vinnytsia is carried out by accredited laboratories of various institutions, but the main problem is that the coastal strips remain unexamined for significant distances. Therefore, constant monitoring of the state of surface waters is an important measure to prevent uncontrolled pollution and deterioration of the quality of water resources.
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