Environmental aspects of using some means human personal hygiene





toilet soap, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, allergenic substances


Every individual widely uses modern means of personal hygiene, in particular toilet soap. Most of us have encountered the information that this hygiene product can contain components that have a harmful effect on the body. Therefore, it should be taken into consideration that soap contains substances dangerous for our health. When choosing hygiene products, people quite often focus on the price, which can be a mistake. On the other hand, modern day consumers do not want to waste their money and want to buy a product with the best consumer properties. The result of our work is a recommended list specific names of toilet soap, which takes into account all the mentioned aspects. Consumers who care about their health might be interested in this list. The purpose of this research work is the selection of the safest groups of toilet soaps from the point of view of their content composition of substances dangerous for the human body. The object of the work is toilet soap (20 items). The subject of the study is the description of the safest groups of toilet soap for the consumer, considering its price and subjective evaluation of consumers. The list of ingredients on the product packaging of each toilet soap indicated by the manufacturer served as a source for the conducting this research work. Comparativelydescriptive, graphic, and statistical (K-means method of cluster analysis) methods of processing and providing information were used to perform this research paper. The results of the work have immediate practical value, as they represent a recommendation for consumers, which consists in the necessity to choose toilet soap among the offered list of the safest samples with the lowest price tag and the best consumer properties.

Author Biographies

N. Hrabko, Odesa State Environmental University

Senior Lecturer

H. Vovkodav, Odesa State Environmental University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant Professor


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