Assessment of vegetable crop cultivation in open ground conditions in Ukraine
vegetable production, balanced nutrition, sown areas, productivity, production dynamics, export potentialAbstract
This study presents a comprehensive analysis of official statistical data concerning the state of open field vegetable production in Ukraine and the level of population’s access to fresh vegetables during the period from 2009 to 2021. The research reveals a marginal expansion of open field vegetable cultivation area (only by 0.9%) in 2021 compared to 2009. Meanwhile, production volumes have grown by 13.2% over the same period, reaching 9.45 million tons. This accounts for over 240 kg of vegetables (excluding potatoes) per person, aligning with established medical norms. However, there remains inadequate consumption of green crops, particularly dill and leaf parsley, which stands at 0.363 kg per capita, or 9% below the norm. The study ranks and groups major vegetable types based on gross production in farms of all categories from 2018 to 2021. Notably, 10 primary vegetable types are extensively cultivated in Ukraine with gross production exceeding 1 million tons, including the "borscht set" crops, cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchinis. This segment constitutes 97.2% of the total gross vegetable yield. The second group (gross production ranging from 100.1 to 1000 thousand tons) encompasses eggplants, sugar corn, leeks, green peas, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, and Napa cabbage, comprising 2.3% of the overall production structure. The third group, with gross production below 100 thousand tons, involves 25 crops and contributes 0.5% to the total vegetable yield. These include various leafy vegetables, lettuce types, some root and fruit vegetables, etc. An examination of regional vegetable production (excluding potatoes) reveals that major contributors and suppliers to the domestic food market in 2021 were the regions of Kherson (12.4% of total production), Lviv (8.3%), Dnipropetrovsk (7.9%), Kyiv (7.1%), and Mykolaiv (6.3%). In 2021, an expansion of open field vegetable cultivation areas by 7–16% was observed in Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Kyiv regions. Conversely, eight regions experienced reductions in cultivation areas ranging from 5% to 18%. Notably, open field vegetable production is primarily carried out by households, accounting for nearly 92% of planting areas and 86% of production volume. Nevertheless, the yield per area in household settings is only half of that achieved by commercial enterprises. Specialization in vegetable production, particularly for green and less common varieties, among households is closely linked to their geographical proximity to major cities and industrial centers.
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