Features of land use and tourism and recreation activities in the territory of national nature parks





nature conservation areas, environment, functional zoning, ecological tourism


The article examines issues related to the peculiarities of the functioning of land use and the conduct of tourist and recreational activities on the territory of national natural parks. The essence of the concept of “nature protection territories” was determined and the trend of development of nature protection territories was analyzed. The main functions are justified, which are to protect the environment and contribute to the comprehensive development of territories. It was determined that the core of nature conservation areas consists of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, which include 11 categories on the territory of Ukraine. The assessment of the formation and functioning of nature protection territories was carried out on the example of Odesa region, and the study of the peculiarities of land use and tourist and recreational activities was carried out on the example of the local territory of the Nizhny Dniester National Park, which is determined by the species diversity of birds, the Dniester delta occupies one of the first places among the most valuable natural territories in Europe . An assessment of the functional zoning of the NPP territory was carried out and the allocated zones: protected — 44.07 %; regulated recreation — 35.62 %; stationary recreation — 0.05 %; economic — 20.26 % of the total territory of the park. Grounded features of land use and the conduct of tourist, recreational and economic activities within each of the functional zones.

Author Biographies

T. Kalyna, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of economic sciences, professor

T. Arzumanyan, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


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