Foreign experience in managing natural park areas




nature reserve fund, recreation, national natural parks, sustainable development, environment, management activity


Although the importance of preserving the environment and encouraging public recreation in national parks is widely recognized, challenges to achieving these goals remain. With over a century of national park management experience, the institutional knowledge of national park systems in the European Union and the United States can offer valuable insights into best management practices. Effective and sustainable management of a national park requires an organizational structure at the state level with respect for local institutions at the park level, involvement of stakeholders in park management decisions, public involvement encouraged by information sharing and education, clarity of boundaries, improved relations with landowners of adjacent lands, and give priority to improving relations with the indigenous population. It has been determined that better park management relies on education to increase public awareness of the importance of national parks and park systems. Tourism and climate change were identified as creating increasing challenges for park management, underscoring the shared urgency of addressing these challenges. The foreign experience on the example of the European Union and the United States of America regarding the management of the territories of natural parks is studied. Three methods of using information on management efficiency are characterized: programming, which includes identifying problems and setting priorities; adaptive management, which is based on the use of performance data for the purpose of continuous improvement of management processes; accountability, which means providing reports and answers about activities and performance. It has been proven that in modern times, due to restrictions established by legislation, the territories of national parks in Ukraine do not have wide access for organized mass tourism and recreation.

Author Biographies

N. Popadynets, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher

O. Hrafska, Lviv State University of Physical Culture n.a. Ivan Bobersky

Doctor of Economic Sciences

O. Halachenko, Vinnytsia Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Doctor of Economic Sciences


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