Genetic structure of the herds of two bighead carp species in «Аgrofirm Кolos» PLC




silver carp, bighead carp, alleles, genotype, heterozygosity, inbreeding


The allelic and genotypic composition of herds of silver carp and bighead carp of Agrofirma Kolos PLC (Kyiv region) was studied. The method of electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide gel with histochemical staining and subsequent genotyping of samples according to the three most variable blood proteins: transferrin, albumin, and esterase is used to detect molecular genetic markers. The number of three-year-old fish that were used to take blood samples for genetic research was 20 specimens for each species of fishes. The frequency of alleles and genotypes, actual and expected heterozygosity, and fixation indices were calculated. According to the results of the study, the predominance of heterozygous genotypes over homozygous genotypes at all three studied loci was found in the herds of both types of fish. The highest level of heterozygosity was established at the transferrin locus (98% in silver carp and 66.2% in bighead carp), the lowest was at the albumin locus (65% in silver carp and 50.8% in bighead carp). A slight excess of heterozygous individuals was found for transferrin and esterase loci in the herd of silver carp. For the bighead carp, this was found only in the transferrin locus. The influence of inbreeding on the formation of the genetic structure of herds of both species of fishes was revealed. To prevent the negative impact of inbreeding, it is recommended to use the high genetic variability of herds for the heterogeneous selection of fish for breeding purposes and to carry out cyclic genetic monitoring of the stock.

Author Biographies

I. Stetsiuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Postgraduate Student

N. Borysenko, Institute of Fisheries of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Fellow

А. Mariutsa, Institute of Fisheries of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Fellow


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