The essence of behavioral economics in the practice of rational nature use




ecologically safe production, sustainable development, individual behavior, agriculture, food safety


The analysis and characterization of the essential and substantive basis of the concept of behavioral economics in rational nature management was carried out. To achieve the goal of the research, the article presents an assessment of the transformational process of behavioral economics in the environmentalization of agriculture in the temporal dimension, which is the construction of a cause-and-effect model with a reflection and thorough characterization of compliance with rational and irrational axioms, as well as individual ecological characteristics. The conceptual-categorical apparatus of behavioral theory is characterized from the point of view of various scientific schools and the stages of its formation as an independent modern concept in economic theory, as well as the peculiarities of each of the interpretations, their practical impact at each of the stages of formation. Taking into account the conducted analysis, in the course of our research, an author’s approach to defining the definition of behavioral economics in ecologically safe agriculture as a direction of economic theory was proposed, which includes a complex of models and mechanisms that determine the rationality and irrationality of an individual’s behavior in relation to the natural resources of the agrosphere, and on the basis of this definition, the corresponding features of the behavioral concept in the practice of nature economy are highlighted, and the characteristics of each of them are given. The mandatory further study of the behavioral concept from the perspective of an integrated approach is separately emphasized.


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