



agriculture, sustainable development, carbon sequestration, tillage technology, low-carbon development


The article considers an important aspect of modern agriculture, namely the impact of technological innovations on the processes of carbon release into the atmosphere. Based on the growing concerns about climate change and greenhouse gases, the article provides a detailed analysis of the relationship between agricultural practices and environmental impacts. The first part of the article discusses the relationship between agriculture and the carbon cycle, highlighting which processes contribute to the release of carbon and its storage in the soil. The article then explores modern technologies and approaches aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, including precision agriculture, forest and resource conservation systems, as well as the use of drones and robotics in agriculture. Further emphasis is placed on the impact of global climate change on agriculture and how technology can help the industry adapt to these changes. The paper also discusses important aspects of policies and regulations that can help reduce CO2 emissions in the agricultural sector. The overall conclusions of the paper reinforce the importance of understanding and implementing sustainability in agriculture and call for greater collaboration between scientific researchers, farmers and government to ensure sustainable and environmentally responsible agriculture.


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