A mechanism for involving the public in monitoring the activities of local self-government bodies
public monitoring, administrative services, territorial communities, information collectionAbstract
On the basis of the conducted research, the essence of the concept of public monitoring is defined. The main purpose of public monitoring is outlined. The main stages of public monitoring are highlighted. It is determined that the most important stage of monitoring is the collection of information. The quality of monitoring in general depends on how complete, reliable, and impartial the information collected is. It is proved that the implementation of monitoring results in the activities of a local government body requires an established feedback mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the forms and methods of feedback to the public and ensure their wider implementation. In particular, at the level of information, cooperation should be carried out through websites, mass media, public events, public hearings, announcements and banners, maximizing the potential of social networks. It is determined that public involvement in controlling the provision of administrative services has a number of positive results. The incentives and obstacles to the involvement of citizens in local self-government are outlined.
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