Peculiarities of the constitutional imperatives of balanced use of natural objects in the agricultural sector of Ukraine




Constitution of Ukraine, land and its natural resources, imperatives, ecology, system, cognitive land economy, accomplishment of land reform


An analysis of the existing scientific works related to economic-legal nature management relations from the standpoint of manifestation of the constitutional rights (imperatives) of absolute ownership of the Ukrainian people to the land and its natural resources as natural objects, especially in the agricultural sphere, was carried out. The absence of a coherent, well-founded vision of scientists in the essence of the algorithm of constitutional land norms as imperatives, in addition to the numerous works of the author of this publication and some wellknown jurists, has been proven. The purpose of the article is to generalize the features of the main scientific and practical imperatives as a balance of interests and the main prerequisites for the accomplishment of land reform in Ukraine for the possible modeling of balanced nature use and sustainable economic objects of the agricultural sphere of Ukraine, which are based on the current land norms of the Constitution of Ukraine. The main reason contributing to the bogus and impunity attribution of natural objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people to objects of civil rights was revealed, which revealed the malicious application in the Land (Article 79) and Civil (Article 373) codes of Ukraine of the anti-constitutional norm “spreading” and “distribution”, which replaced the current constitutional right of “use” (Part 2, Article 13 of the Criminal Code). It is recommended to suspend the illegal possibility to acquire (starting from January 1, 2024) agricultural land with a total area of up to 10,000 hectares from one hand. The need to organize more than 500,000 new private family farms and peasant farms (family estates), created by young families (priority is given to victorious soldiers — participants in hostilities and their families), mainly without hired workers, with a total area of almost 10 million hectares of small arable land massifs and other (4–5 million hectares) adjacent lands. It has been proven that the declared land norms as effective constitutional imperatives indicate that the President of Ukraine, as the guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine, as well as the scientific and pedagogical Ukrainian elite, which is a generator of the formation of true knowledge, should only have a single interest, aimed at ensuring the balance of all available interests regarding land and nature use in the state, from the standpoint of constitutionally motivated national interests, including in the agricultural sphere of Ukraine


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