


ecological evaluation of technologies, agrochemical indicators of the soil, integrated environmental assessment, phytosanitary condition, Сlearfield technology


The research was conducted to study the comprehensive environmental assessment of sunflower cultivation technologies under different cultivation systems in the conditions of the Сentral Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. So, according to the agrochemical parameters of the soil in the village Luka, Cherkasy region (2.8 points) and in the village Yurkivka, Kyiv region (2.6 points), noted these technologies as normal, in other farms — satisfactory (2.2 points), and in the village Brytavka, Vinnytsia region — unsatisfactory (1.4 points). Sunflower crops were in satisfactory condition according to phytosanitary indicators (1.7–2 points). The threshold of ecological damage of pests and diseases corresponded to unsatisfactory and satisfactory conditions. The species composition and number of weeds were in a normal condition. According to the indicators of productivity and quality, the studied technologies were determined as unsatisfactory (0.5–1.3 points) and satisfactory (2 points). This low environmental condition of cultivation technologies results from the low quality of sunflower seeds: the oil content is unsatisfactory (0 points), ranging from 31.8 to 38.7% with the optimal value of 52%. The results of a comprehensive environmental assessment of sunflower cultivation technologies showed that in order to introduce the technologies into production, it is necessary to improve such technological processes as the use of fertilizers and plant protection products on farms, taking into account weather and climate conditions.


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