Representation of in situ forest genetic resources of broadleaf tree species according to forest types in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
forest genetic reserves, plus stands, in situ units, state of trees, breeding structureAbstract
The article analyzes the formation and localization of in situ forest genetic resource conservation facilities in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in terms of the main forest types. Peculiarities of the state and selection structure of the forest genetic reserves (FGR) and plus stands (PS) were studied. The established that the largest area of forest genetic reserves and plus stands of broadleaves forests within the Right Bank Forest-Steppe is concentrated in the Vinnytsia region, based on the results of the research. The largest number and largest areas of these objects are concentrated in this region. It was established that the largest area of FGR located in fresh forest type conditions — 3475.9 ha, according to the distribution of forest genetic reserves and plus stands. The largest number of objects — 92 (78.0%) — is concentrated in this type of forest. The largest area of FGR is concentrated in fresh hornbeam beech — 842.3 ha in the Roztoch-Opil district of the forest typological region. There are 44 genetic reserves located in the conditions of the Podilsk sector of the Polysk-Prikarpattia district of wet hornbeam forests of the forest typological region of the wet cluster 3d. The largest area of forest stands is fresh beech forest — 234.0 ha. There are 40 FGR with a total area of 2,001 hectares of fresh hornbeam forests in the Podilskyi and Pravoberezhny sectors of the Dnipro tipologycal district. Forest genetic reserves are mainly concentrated in fresh hornbeam forest — 1584.6 hectares (29 units). The representation of the objects of in situ conservation of the gene pool of forest tree species in terms of forest types is insufficient and reflects only 16% of the entire diversity of forest ecosystems within the boundaries of the Roztoch-Opil district and 21–24% of the Dnipro districts of Polisko-Prikarpatskiy. This requires the introduction of measures for the additional creation of forest genetic reserves in other types of forest with the aim of the widest possible representation of the ecosystem diversity of the forest landscapes of the region.
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