The impact of climate change on agricultural land use in Ukraine




weather anomalies, yields, food security, agricultural sector, agricultural products


The article analyses the impact of climate change on agricultural land use in Ukraine. Given the growing global consumption of food and a growing population, agriculture is becoming a key element of the country’s stability and development. However, climate change, such as rising temperatures, changes in precipitation distribution, and the frequency of extreme weather events, can significantly affect the yields and efficiency of agricultural activities. Global trends in climate change, which is one of the most pressing threats with a long-term negative impact on the population, environment and economy, are investigated. The article highlights the positive (changes in the conditions and timing of harvesting, increased efficiency of fertiliser application, etc.) and negative (deterioration of grain quality, increased number of droughts, etc.) consequences of climate change on agricultural land use. The study includes an analysis of long-term climate data in Ukraine, as well as an assessment of changes in land cover, crop distribution and crop production. The study aims to determine the impact of climate change, in particular temperature rise, changes in precipitation and extreme weather events, on agricultural production and land use in Ukraine. The article analyses data from various sources, including meteorological observations and statistical data using modern geoinformation technologies. Changes in the distribution of crops, crop yields and yields depending on climate change are investigated. The study also assesses the possible consequences of these changes for Ukraine’s food security, economy and environment. The results of the study are important for decision-making in the field of agricultural policy and development of the agricultural sector, ensuring the sustainability of agricultural products and reducing the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change. They can serve as a basis for developing climate change adaptation strategies and maintaining the sustainability of the country’s food security in the face of climate change.


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