Environmental risks due to the impact of pesticide load in agrocenoses of cereal crop predecessors
agroecotoxicological index, degree of danger of pesticides, agricultural crops, crop rotation, minimization of ecological risk, management of environmental risksAbstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the impact of pesticide load on agrocenoses of cereal crop predecessors and the emergence of ecological risks in them. An assessment of ecological risks in the agrocenoses of the experimental field of the State Enterprise “Research Farm “Skvyrske” of IAEM of NAAS” was carried out using pesticides during the growing seasons 2021–2023. The methodology for assessing ecological risks of potential pesticide pollution of agrocenoses by indicators of agroecotoxicological index (AETI) was used. It was determined that the level of ecological risk from pesticide pressure in the crop rotation of the experimental field by AETI is within the range from 2.86·10–3 to 2.24·10–1 сonventional units and is characterized as slightly dangerous, which indicates a minimal ecological risk of pesticide use. The obtained results are a sign that the load of applied pesticides on the agrocenoses of the experimental farm corresponds to the territory’s ability to self-clean. It is shown that rational use of chemical methods of plant protection in combating pests, disease pathogens and weeds creates prerequisites for obtaining environmentally safe grain and seed products, as well as minimizes the likelihood of environmental of grain and seed contamination with pesticides of cultivated crops. Usually, longterm and repeated use of pesticides in any case leads to accumulation of their residues or metabolites in the soil and, as a result, is a source of contamination of crop products and environmental objects. Therefore, using the results of assessing pesticide load on agroecosystems, taking into account the territory’s ability to self-clean, can be considered as one of the levers for managing environmental risks. To minimize ecological risks from pesticide pollution of agrocenoses and increase environmental safety of agroecosystems, measures should be taken to regulate the use of chemical plant protection products. This should be done by banning or restricting the use of pesticides that have a high level of ecotoxicity and are persistent in soil.
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