Agro-ecological processes under conditions of biogeochemical imbalance of molybdenum in agrolandscapes of the Forest-Step zone
zoning, mapping, biogeochemical provinces, endemic diseasesAbstract
A special place in the theory and practice of landscape geochemistry belongs to biogeochemical zoning. Biogenic migration of substances and chemical elements can rightfully be considered one of the criteria for the typological classification of geochemical landscapes, which is the basis for building a map of geochemical landscapes of Ukraine. The scientific result of zoning is the recognition of spatial boundaries and areas of the territory consisting of connected components with uniform conditions of geochemical migration of chemical elements. With a long-term violation of the ratio between microelements, various diseases appear, which are called endemic, and the phenomenon itself — biogeochemical endemics. The latter most often occur due to a lack or excess of some threshold value of the concentration of microelements or a violation of the ratio of other microelements associated with it. On the basis of landscape-geochemical analysis and zoning, the authors defined the territory of the biogeochemical provinces of the Forest Steppe, where a lack of molybdenum content in the soil for normal plant development was found. In addition, the features of the molybdenum province are determined by low biogenic accumulation and intensive physicochemical dispersion of essential trace elements, increased mobility of most toxic trace elements in natural waters, and the absence of conditions for the formation of barriers of hydroamphoteric elements, including Mo2+. Also, in the territories of biogeochemical provinces, there is a high probability of the development of certain endemic phytopathologies and microelement diseases due to the imbalance of biogeochemical food chains.
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