


cideration, organic production, cider cultures, environmentally friendly technologies


The article proves the relevance of using sideral crops in organic farming technologies. The results of scientific research on the use of sideration as an ecologically safe factor in the formation of the main indicators and properties of the soil are analyzed. It is noted that nowadays the cultivation of sideral crops is one of the main alternatives for replacing chemically synthesized fertilizers. Examples of the use of siderates as environmentally safe types of fertilizers that contribute to the restoration of soil fertility and the increase in the yield of agricultural crops are given. It was noted that side crops under organic land use are an effective and productive component of the technology of growing agricultural crops, contribute to improving the structure and quality of the soil, providing mineral nutrition and creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, which affects the increase in yield with the complete rejection of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. It is noted that when using sideration in organic technologies for growing agricultural crops, it is necessary to make a reasonable selection of sideration crops with a high adaptive potential, taking into account their biological characteristics. The selection of siderates must be carried out taking into account the soil and climatic zone of cultivation, moisture availability and temperature regime of the soil, biological features of growing siderate cultures and the agronomic value of their introduction, features of the effect of siderate on the structure of the soil, its density and porosity, providing the soil with organic matter (humus) and nutritional mineral elements, as well as the yield and quality of agricultural products.


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