Formation of the environmental and economic basis of the balanced development of the forest sector




environmental issues, rational utilization, forest utilization strategies, sustainable development, forest resource management, preservation of ecological balance


The study is devoted to the study of the formation of the ecological and economic foundations of the balanced development of the forest sector. The work examines key aspects of the state of forestry, and also identifies factors affecting the economic and environmental sustainability of this sector. The article analyzes the current state of forestry, highlights the main environmental problems associated with the exploitation of forest resources, and also considers the possibilities of their rational use. In particular, the research is focused on the identification of optimal strategies for forest use, which would contribute to ensuring a balance between economic needs and preservation of the natural environment. An integrated approach to the management of forest resources is considered, taking into account economic, ecological and social aspects. The application of the latest technologies, the creation of ecological reclamation programs and support for the sustainable development of forestry are key components of the proposed strategies. Therefore, the article highlights the need and possible ways of forming ecological and economic foundations for the balanced development of the forest sector with a view to increasing the efficiency of the use of forest resources and preserving the ecological balance.


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