Discourse on the state of scientific research on the regulation of land relations in the agricultural sphere of Ukraine





Constitution of Ukraine, land and its natural resources, nature management, agrarian sector of the economy, cognitive land economy, implementation of land reform, system, law


It has been proven that long-term discussions regarding the state and needs of reforming socio-economic relations in Ukraine, especially in the land, nature and use of the agrarian sector of the economy, have been going on since the very beginning of the reconstruction of the USSR until now, and some of them are anti-Ukrainian and departmental-monopoly in nature, the elements of which were hybridly transformed into a corrupt-oligarchic management system. The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientifically based discourse, based on the author’s new knowledge about problems and ways of regulating land relations and nature use, especially in the agrarian sector of Ukraine from the perspective of cause-and-effect relationships, which are based on the current norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and fully correspond, first of all, the national interests of all citizens of Ukraine. It has been confirmed that the scientific and professional discourse within the bounds of the imperative requirements of the applicable land norms of the Constitution of Ukraine on the basis of the acquired new knowledge, which is discussed at the academic level, especially in the system of the National Academy of Sciences and is publicly covered, acquires the status of subject-evidence and more convincingly indicates the objectivity and the expediency of providing non-standard recommendations to state authorities regarding ways of regulating existing land relations and nature use, especially in the agricultural sector, is in the interests of working citizen-owners and the entire Ukrainian people.

Author Biography

O. Kovaliv, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher


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