



solid household waste, development, resource potential, waste sorting, waste processing, waste management system


The study is devoted to the theoretical justification of the effective management of solid household waste in the system of development of the resource potential of the region. It was determined that the problem of solid household waste is partly due to resource origin. It has been established that under modern conditions there is a significant decrease in the world's reserves of non-renewable resources, as well as the deterioration of the natural environment due to the increased impact of production and consumption waste. Analyzing the development potential of the region within the framework of the material and technical block, it is appropriate to highlight the “resource potential of solid household waste” in it. Because the use of solid household waste as a secondary raw material expands the resource potential of the region. The experience of foreign countries regarding the management of solid household waste emphasizes the need for new conceptual approaches to the formation of resource potential, which are based on the rational use of primary and secondary resources.

Author Biographies

V. Kyporenko, State scientific and technical library of Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences

N. Shyshpanova, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

I. Sotnikova, Institute of Innovation Education Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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