Current trends and prospects of implementation of payment schemes for aquatic ecosystem services in the context of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
ecosystem approach, water use, private schemes, ecosystem payments, ecosystem servicesAbstract
The study justifies the necessity of researching and implementing foreign experience in implementing modern payment schemes for the provision of quality ecosystem services in water ecosystems in the context of post-war reconstruction in Ukraine. A differentiated analysis of the main types of ecosystem payment schemes for water ecosystem services (state, state-private, private, trading) is performed, and their main characteristics are disclosed and systematized. The focus is on an in-depth study of private payment schemes with the aim of their possible implementation in Ukraine. The peculiarities of the main forms of transactions in the context of forming payments for water ecosystem services, most commonly used in private schemes, are investigated: direct payments, land purchase, cost sharing, land development rights acquisition. Proposals for the implementation of payments for water ecosystem services in Ukraine based on the type of private schemes are developed on the basis of a conducted SWOT analysis. The strengths for Ukraine in the context of the stated problem may include: 1) the feasibility of considering the best examples of foreign experience regarding the advantages of introducing payments to landowners for sustainable water management, which are more economically efficient than traditional construction of filtration plants; 2) the simplicity of the mechanism for introducing private payment schemes for water ecosystem services into forestry practice due to their regulation within the framework of civil contracts and on a voluntary basis; 3) the availability of a variety of transaction mechanisms and financial mechanisms in private schemes, which allow for flexible decisions regarding their practical implementation, taking into account the local characteristics of the water ecosystem and its services. The prospects for further research on the outlined issues are determined, including the formation of a comprehensive ecosystem approach to the implementation of modern payment schemes for the use of resources and services in water ecosystems and the development of modern methodological approaches to determining the size of such payments.
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