agro-industrial production, exports, production, profitability, agricultural sectorAbstract
The article discusses the ecological and economic aspects of growing niche crops in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The dynamics of sown areas, production and profitability of certain niche crops in Ukraine are analyzed. The issues of distribution and economic efficiency of niche crops such as oats, buckwheat, rye, flax, mustard, camelina, peas, beans, sorghum, and others are considered. The advantages of growing niche crops are identified, including increased profitability, diversification of agricultural production, improved soil and phytosanitary conditions, etc. At the same time, the author emphasizes the challenges associated with increased seed and cultivation costs, unstable demand and difficulties with sales, as well as the importance of cooperation between niche producers to consolidate efforts and enter foreign markets. It is determined that the future of niche crops in the agricultural sector seems promising, especially in the context of growing attention to sustainable development, environmental protection and the need to diversify food baskets. Innovation, research and development of agrotechnologies will play a key role in the further development of this segment of the agricultural market.
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