Efficiency of environmental taxation with an emphasis on CO2 emissions: analysis of the experience of EU countries and prospects for Ukraine
environmental tax, regulation of emissions, minimization of environmental impact, carbon emissions, carbon neutralityAbstract
The article analyzes the effectiveness of CO2 taxation in the context of the European Union and its potential application in Ukraine. The author highlights the critical need to revise economic and production approaches in response to climate change. The author analyzes the level of budget revenues of the European Union countries due to environmental taxes. The article examines specific examples of EU countries such as Denmark, Latvia, Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Norway that have implemented effective greenhouse gas emission taxation systems, highlighting different approaches and tax rates. The author also analyzes the dynamics of changes in CO2 tax rates from 2019 to 2023, which indicates a global trend towards increasing the tax burden on polluters. It is substantiated that environmental taxes are a significant tool in counteracting negative environmental changes, despite the availability of various sources of environmental financing. Based on the analysis of international experience in environmental taxation, the author offers proposals for optimization to improve environmental taxation in Ukraine with a view to increasing environmental efficiency.
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