Characteristics of the growth and development of apple orchard trees depending on the use of biofertilizers




yield, apples, mineral fertilizers, biological fertilizers, Bionorma


Intensive gardens need intensive fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. However, during the transition of horticulture to organic principles, mineral fertilizers should be replaced by ecologically safe organic or biofertilizers. Recently, many alternatives with versatile and specific effects have appeared on the market of biological preparations. Therefore, when choosing biological preparations, it is necessary to take into account the main task facing gardeners: soil fertilization, stimulation of growth and development, or plant protection. Research was conducted during 2022–2023 in the orchard of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. It was created on the semi-dwarf rootstock MM-106. The variety of apples is Jonathan. The soil of the garden is a gray gilded medium loam. The scheme of the experiment provided for a comparison of the efficiency of applying traditional mineral fertilizers with biofertilizers of the Bionorma line. When fertilizing apple orchards, it is advisable to use biological preparations of the Bionorma series, which are much cheaper than mineral fertilizers and have a positive effect on the ecological state of the agro-ecosystem of the orchard. Among the line of Bionorma biopreparations, Bionorma Nitrogen and Bionorma Sad demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in affecting the yield of apples, which allows to obtain a yield increase of 30.8% and 29.4%, respectively, compared to the option without fertilizer application. The effectiveness of these biological preparations is higher than the application of mineral phosphorus at the rate of 60 kg/ha by 20–22%, corresponds to the application of mineral nitrogen of 60 kg/ha, and is inferior only to the application of N60Р60K60 by 8–10%. The increase in the yield of apples from one tree due to the application of Bionorma phosphorus was 6.4%. The effectiveness of Bionorma nitrogen is determined by the composition of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which is characterized by a complex effect on plants. Bionorma Garden has a complex protective and growth-stimulating effect on plants.

Author Biography

O. Tkachuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


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