Constitution of Ukraine, Ukrainian people, land relations, nature management, sustainable development, livelihoods, property subjectAbstract
The author points out the need for scientific research into the priority of legal subjectivity among all participants to land relations and the balanced use of natural objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people, including in the agricultural sector, which is considered to be a relevant and key factor in solving the existing problems of land monopoly and corruption in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to systematize and summarize the new knowledge of constitutional land pragmatism gained by the author to substantiate the legal priority of balanced use of natural objects as the main national wealth from the perspective of national interests. The author examines the conceptual, legislative, programmatic, organizational and other approaches to the implementation of the so-called land reform in Ukraine. The author reveals the variability of forms of ownership of land and its natural resources from the beginning of perestroika of the USSR to the present day, which have given rise to the existing “market land problems” in Ukraine on an unconstitutional basis. It is established that the newest innovative interests of ethnic Ukrainians, as well as all full-fledged citizens of Ukraine, especially now, are fully consistent with the constitutionally motivated imperatives of land relations and nature management. It is proved that the introduction of effective forms, methods and means of counteracting the current internal corrupt aggression is a crucial and urgent task. For the first time, the author outlines the invariant features inherent in the Ukrainian ethnos, which are in a state of life-giving humanity, space pioneering, innovative ingenuity, harmony of thinking and creative inspiration, genetically and spiritually passed on (manifested) through the subjectivity of generations of glorious ancestors of ethnic Ukrainians, their families, clans and families. The practical solution to the existing problems in land relations and nature management largely depends on the prompt implementation by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the author’s scientifically based systemic measures of the “New Paradigm for the Implementation of Land Reform in Ukraine”.
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