livestock production, population economy, population decline, military operations, environmental pollution, environmental damageAbstract
Agricultural production is one of the most important components of the economy of every country, as it guarantees their food security. The livestock products market occupies an important place in the general food market of Ukraine. Ensuring the needs of the population with food products produced from the products provided by the livestock industry depends on its development. However, the actual state of the industry during the last 30 years does not correspond to potential opportunities and is characterized by a reduction in the number of almost all types of farm animals. In the 90s of the last century, after a short-lived reform of the agro-industrial complex, livestock farming in Ukraine underwent negative changes. The population of agricultural animals in large agricultural enterprises (collective farms and state farms) began to decrease at a catastrophic pace, productivity decreased, production became unprofitable and product quality deteriorated, the country’s export potential decreased and the social living conditions of the rural population worsened. All this puts national food security at risk. The article analyzes the state of animal husbandry development in the period 1991–2021 and found that after 1990, the production of the main livestock products moved to private homesteads of peasants, to small areas of homestead plots. Most of the peasants in their households keep pigs (68.4%), sheep and goats (78%), poultry (79.5%), rabbits (99.5%) and bee colonies (88.3%). It was established that in 2021, the production of meat and meat products amounted to 70.1%, milk and dairy products — 44.6% of those produced in 1991, but the production of eggs increased by 8.3% compared to 1991. It was found that the low level of income does not allow Ukrainians to eat well. In 2021, the level of consumption of meat and meat products by the population of Ukraine amounted to 71% of the rational norm and exceeded the minimum necessary norm by only 9.2%. Ukrainians also do not consume enough milk and dairy products — 53.1% of the rational norm, and only eggs — an almost rational norm (95.9%). At the same time, it should be noted that 29% of the average daily diet of Ukrainians is provided by the consumption of products of animal origin. The influence of the enemy’s military actions on the livestock industry of Ukraine is given. Significant losses of farm animals and poultry and ecological damage to the natural environment for decades to come have been caused due to the destruction of animals and the inability to dispose of them in time and in accordance with the rules.
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