carbon dioxide, decarbonisation, climate change, purification filters, ecological policy, eutrophication, energy saving, waste management, gross value addedAbstract
The main objective of the article is to study the anthropogenic impact on the state of environmental quality by using ecological and economic indicators to further determining the level of necessary environmental protection actions. A systematic analysis of the indicators that identify the dynamics of changes in environmental quality in the current conditions of transformation of the European economy under the globalisation processes is carried out. It is determined that the sustainability of modern production depends on the efficiency of resource use, which provides economic growth and prevents increased pressure on the environment. It is proved that the rate of carbon dioxide emissions in highly developed countries is constantly decreasing, which is associated with the flexible environmental policy and transformation of the energy sector. It is established that in order to achieve the status of a climate-neutral country, Ukraine needs to use a modern system for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, optimise the СО2 tax and implement a more intensive decarbonisation policy. When introducing organic farming mechanisms, it is necessary to take into consideration the effect of all exogenous and endogenous factors and the potential benefits of using inorganic fertilisers in the short term. The level of phosphate pollution of rivers in European countries and their influence on water quality are determined, and effective mechanisms for reducing this harmful effect are proposed. The reasons that cause eutrophication of water bodies, the consequences of its influence on the state of water and living organisms are investigated, and the areas of marine areas with eutrophic waters are established. The influence of the energy factor on the state of environmental quality is determined by analysing the indicator of final energy consumption by households per capita in oil equivalent. The efficiency of the European waste management policy is analysed and the level of waste packaging recycling in the Scandinavian countries is determined. The algorithm for calculating the gross value added of the environmental goods and services sector and its place in the GDP structure is identified. It is recommended that Ukraine implement the experience of the EU countries in fundamental approaches to resource conservation and sustainable development.
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