


biotic and landscape diversity, ecosystems, nature reserve fund, nature management


On the basis of complex ecological monitoring, geobotanical, zoogeographical, landscape-ecological, hydroecological, forest typological, agroecological principles and approaches, and own field research, the general ecological-geographical characteristics of the National Nature Park “Karmeliukove Podillia” as a structural element of the national ecological network from the standpoint of physical-geographical and geobotanical zoning. It is shown which objects of the nature reserve fund are part of the characterized park. The following key territories (natural cores) in the structure of the ecological network have been identified: 1 — Britavske; 2 — Chervonogreblyanske; 3 — Verbske; 4 — Bondurivske; 5 — Kurenivske; 6 — New Ukrainian; 7 — Lyubomyrkivskei; as well as restoration territories: 1 — Novoukrainskaya; 2 — Verbska; 3 — Stratiivska; 4 — Bondurivska; 5 — Luzka; 6 — Chervonogreblyanska. Flora and fauna are described, rare and endangered species are highlighted, which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, as well as phytocenoses of the Green Book of Ukraine. The need to include the “Vyshenka” tract, with an area of 47.7 hectares, as a complete natural complex, represented by unique landscapes of various types of ecosystems, including forest, meadow-steppe and wetlands. The specified territory is characterized by 8 biotopes with valuable associations of plant groups, which include 15 regionally rare species and 9 species that are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, where more than 50 species of animals with international and national zoological status live. In general, it is expedient to transfer other territories to the NPP for permanent use: ornithological reserve of local importance “Stavky” — 6.9 hectares; land of historical and cultural purpose — 17.3 hectares; reserve land for forestry purposes — 7.7 hectares; agricultural reserve land — 25.5 hectares; shrubs, reserve land — 7.3 ha. The total area of these plots is 64.7 hectares, which, together with the Vyshenka tract, will make up an area of 112.4 hectares. The inclusion of these territories in the park will make it possible to preserve representative landscapes with diverse flora and fauna, rationally use the recreational potential, promote the development of ecological tourism, sport hunting and fishing, introduce permanent ecological and educational, nature conservation and ecological educational work, create new jobs for local population that will support the established regime of park protection and engage in organic farming.

Author Biographies

O. Mudrak, Public Higher Education Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine

H. Mudrak, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Yu. Antoniuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Postgraduate Student

O. Riabokon, Public Higher Education Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

O. Herasimova, Public Higher Education Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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