


radish hybrids, maturity periodsyield, productivity, technical maturity, biometric indicators, root crop quality


Radish is an early vegetable crop with a very short growing season, widely cultivated worldwide. At the same time, the extensive varietal resources of radishes and the changing environmental conditions compel agroproducers to perform more careful selection of varieties/hybrids to achieve high yields of marketable products. For this purpose, an agro-biological evaluation of eight radish hybrids of different maturity periods was conducted in open-field cultivation. Differences were found in both the duration of phenophases and the growing period of radish plants. The hybrids Stellar and Rockstar were characterized by faster entry into phenological phases, root formation, and maturation, reaching the technical maturity phase on the 25th day. In terms of biometric indicators at the technical maturity phase (BBCH 49), the hybrid Adele stood out, with plants having the highest height (18 cm), leaf rosette width (18 cm), number of leaves per plant (8 pcs), and area (17.6 thousand m2/ha). Over the years of research from 2017 to 2019, which were marked by contrasting weather conditions, the highest yield was obtained from the Adele hybrid, at 26.1–27.3 t/ha, with a 15% advantage over the control and a yield increase of 3.5 t/ha. The hybrids were ranked by yield as follows: Adele > Eliza > Stellar > Rockstar > Rosetta > Roxanne > Donar > Rolex. The highest quality indicators were found in the root crops of the Adele, Stellar, and Rockstar hybrids. Based on the visual assessment of radish root crops, analysis of their linear dimensions, and quality indicators, the hybrids were ranked as follows: Adele > Stellar > Rockstar > Eliza > Rosetta > Roxanne > Donar > Rolex. A strong direct correlation was found between yield and root weight (r=1), as well as between the developmental phases of the plants (seedling emergence, appearance of the first true leaf, growth and development of leaves and roots) and the technical maturity of the root crops (r=0.90–1.00). The number of leaves per plant correlated with plant height (0.97) and the developmental phases of the plants (0.91–0.97). The sugar content in the root crop correlated with the dry matter content and the root diameter (0.92). Based on the agro-biological evaluation of radish hybrids of different maturity groups, it was determined that the most productive hybrids with quality root crops for open-field cultivation are the early-maturing Stellar, the mid-maturing Eliza, and the late-maturing Adele, which are recommended for cultivation in farms of various ownership forms in the central part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.

Author Biography

S. Shchetyna, Uman National University of Horticulture

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


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