Assessment of ecologically destructive agrarian nature use and economic and legal responsibility in the system of land relations: methodological aspect




ecological and economic efficiency, balanced agrarian nature management, property, land relations, economic losses, economic and legal environmental responsibility


The article examines theoretical and methodological approaches to forming an economic assessment of eco-destructive agrarian nature use in the system of land relations within the framework of the mechanism of economic and legal environmental responsibility in the context of modern global and military challenges. The need to assess the ecological and economic efficiency of nature management is revealed by identifying the specific features of land relations which are the fundamental basis of the organisational and economic mechanism for ensuring balanced agrarian nature management, as well as for forming a mechanism of economic and legal environmental liability. The authors emphasises that ownership of natural objects (in particular, land resources) also has a responsibility function, which leads to further improvement of the system of ecological, economic and socio-ecological responsibility for the state of natural resource objects. The methodology for assessing the ecological and economic efficiency of agrarian natural resource use in the system of land relations is deepened in the format of assessing economic damage from the ecologically destructive state of agrarian natural objects, and land and resource potential as a constructive instrument of economic and legal responsibility. The general methodology for assessing the ecological and economic damage from the eco-destructive state of land and resource potential from the perspective of a decision-maker is outlined. The essential and substantive principles of economic and legal environmental responsibility in the system of agrarian nature management are deepened. It is determined that economic and legal environmental liability for ecologically destructive use of natural resources and violation of environmental legislation performs the following main functions: motivational, compensatory, preventive, evaluative, control and communication, and managerial.


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