Settlement of existing problems on the lands of nature reserve and other nature protection purpose — the start of the invariant development of Ukraine
constitutional law, land relations, natural resources, objects of nature use, completion of land reformAbstract
The author’s arguments are revealed as the cause-and-effect relationships of the violation of the Ukrainian people’s constitutional right to ownership of the land and its natural resources as natural objects that lie in the plane of anti-constitutional hybrid lawmaking. Attention is focused on the ineffectiveness of the norms of the adopted legislation regarding the principles of the state environmental policy of Ukraine for certain periods. The purpose of the article is to generalize new knowledge regarding the constitutionally-motivated settlement of existing problems on the lands of nature-reserve and other nature-protection purposes, from the standpoint of national interests, which is the initial (starting) requirement for the formation of sustainable invariant development of Ukraine. It was found that the source of the formation of the current problematic situation in Ukraine is slavish pro-Soviet thinking and mixed-race politics, and most importantly, ignorance on the same basis, which remains in the minds of many “authoritative” scientists, scientists, teachers, and therefore also their students, who work in the bodies of state power (legislative, executive and judicial) and local self-government. Scientifically based studies are summarized as new knowledge of the functioning of the cognitive land economy, acquired by the author during the final liberation of the Ukrainian nation from “racism” in a deadly war with a foreign enemy, which relate to the needs of a constitutionally motivated settlement of the existing problems of land relations and nature use in Ukraine — on “domestic front”. A constitutionally motivated algorithm for painless correction of the existing state of nature use, including in relation to lands of nature-reserve and nature conservation significance, based on the laws of nature and society as an invariant way of solving existing problems in the process of “New Paradigm for the accomplishment of Land Reform in Ukraine” is substantiated.
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