Dynamics of 137Cs accumulation in fish from Kyiv and Kaniv reservoirs
peaceful and predatory fish, modeling, long-term dynamicsAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the temporal parameters of the dynamics of 137Cs specific activity in the bodies of fish in the Kyiv and Kaniv reservoirs over a 35-year period following the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. Parameters characterizing the dynamics of 137Cs content in peaceful (Rutilus rutilus, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Bliсssа bjoerkna, Abramis brama, Сarassius gibelio, Pelecus cultratus) and predatory fish (Aspius aspius, Esox lucius, Stizostedion lucioperca, Perca fluviatilis) were determined based on data on the specific activity of 137Cs in composite samples collected in 1986–(2020)2021 at various locations in the Kyiv and Kaniv reservoirs. For peaceful and predatory fish of the Kyiv and Kaniv reservoirs, three and two respective time intervals were identified, characterized by different intensities of 137Cs content reduction in the organisms. During 1986–1991, the specific activity of 137Cs in peaceful fish of the Kyiv reservoir decreased by an average of 2 times over 1.9 years, 1991–2002 — by 4.6 years, 2002–2020 — by 16 years. The half-life period of 137Cs content reduction in predatory fish for the period 1988–1993 was 3.4 years, 1993–2002 — 4.3 years, 2002–2020 — 8 years. From 1986(1987)–2004, the specific activity of 137Cs in peaceful and predatory fish in the Kaniv reservoir decreased by 2 times in approximately 5.6 years. During 2004–2021, the half-life period of radionuclide content reduction in the organisms of peaceful fish averaged 16 years and predatory fish — 10.3 years. Over time, the half-life period of 137Cs specific activity in fish of the Kyiv and Kaniv reservoirs increases, explained by the slowing down of the rate of decrease in volumetric activity of 137Cs in the water of the Dnipro and Prypiat rivers. The determined parameters of the model describing the dynamics of 137Cs specific activity can be used for predictive assessments of 137Cs content in commercially important fish species in the event of accidental influx of radionuclides into the ecosystems of large plain reservoirs.
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