Features of the allelopatic activity of the soil in plantations of energy cultures





Salix viminalis, Paulownia tomentosa, Miscanthus giganteus, Populus alba, soil of the rhizosphere, allelopathy, knees, test-objects


The article notes that in modern conditions associated with energy problems, an important area of research is the search and testing of plants with significant energy potential. Currently, the list of common energy crops includes trees, shrubs and perennial herbaceous plants: energy Salix, Populus, Paulownia, as well as Miscanthus, Panicum virgatum and others. The influence of the excretion of these crops as a factor in the formation of allelopathic activity of the soil of the rhizosphere zone is a little-studied and debatable issue. At the same time, the establishment of the allelopathic impact of perennial energy crops is among such important tasks as the restoration of plantations and propagation of these plants, the creation of mixed plantations, the determination of the conditions for the alternation of crops in agrocenoses, etc. The purpose of the study was to identify the influence of biological (allelopathic) activity of the soil in plantations of energy crops: willow (Salix), paulownia (Paulownia), poplar (Populus) and miscanthus (Miscanthus) on the growth processes of common agricultural crops of spring barley (Hordeum vulgаre L.) and common lentils (Lens culinaris Medik.). Theresults of the experiments indicate that the root secretions of the studied energy crops form the allelopathic activity of the soil of the rhizosphere zone of plantations and have a significant impact on the growth processes of test crops. Hordeum vulgаre and Lens culinaris do not react in the same way to secretions that were in the soil of the rhizosphere zone. The knees of the studied energy cultures had a noticeable stimulating effect on the growth of test objects, with the exception of Populus alba, which had an inhibitory effect. The obtained results indicate the feasibility of co-cultivation of Hordeum sativum and Lens culinaris with the studied energy crops and the use of these crops in the alternation and creation of mixed agrophytocenoses, and also indicate the prospects for further research. Particular attention should be paid to the study of Populus alba secretions, which had an inhibitory effect on test crops.


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