Monitoring of the current state of peatlands of the Western Polissia
peatland, deposit CO2, degree of decomposition, ash content, West Polissia Wetland, UkraineAbstract
Among the minerals that our country is rich in, peat deposits are of significant importance. The latter are a complex multi-component and unique natural system that significantly affects the ecological state of the environment, especially in recent times of global warming. The article provides statistical data on peat reserves of Western Polissia (the northern part of the Volyn, Rivne oblast) in deposits of Ukraine and their properties are considered. Swamps and peat of the Western Polissia are a great natural resource, a center of carbon (carbon) deposition, a hydrological regulator, biotopes for the spread of rare species of biota, in particular with regard to marginal, boreal, postglacial species. The group composition of organic matter of upland and lowland type peat in the regions of Western Polissia was studied. Peat contains approximately 60% carbon and 40% oxygen, depending on composition and ash content, which was proven in the publication. Peat sediments primarily components and structural fragments, organic compounds from swamp plants. On the one hand, peat retains a certain ratio of fragments of varying degrees of preservation of the original plant phytogroup that form the macrostructure, and on the other hand, in the process of biotransformation, mineralization occurs at the same time — the breakdown of the most biodiversity components of plant tissues (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) into simple substances (carbon dioxide and water), and humification — the formation of new high-molecular compounds — humic acids (HA). The materials provide data on the yield of humic acids from the investigated peat samples. The presence of HA in peat, which have valuable agrochemical properties and physiological activity, determine its use in agriculture. The conducted research confirms that preparations of peat humic acids can be used as a promising material for obtaining natural medicines for balneological, medical and veterinary purposes. Currently, peat resources are recognized as a unique natural potential of organic origin, which affects the sustainable development of the environment. With the development of science, it has become a reliable source in biotechnology, nature conservation, paleoecology, etc. It is important to note that peat resources are conditionally renewable, but it is advisable not to use peat as fuel, and it is better to do it in organic agriculture, bioenergy and resource production (palud culture — cranberry, blueberry, miscanthus; bioenergy species such as willow, paulownia, etc.) etc.
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