Innovations of precision agriculture in reducing environmental risks in agroecosystems of Ukraine




agriculture, farming, agroecosystem, environmental risk minimization, climate change, environmental safety


The article analyzes the role of an innovative method of management — precision agriculture, in reducing the ecological burden on agroecosystems of Ukraine and in optimizing the use of natural resources. The high potential of precision agriculture for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and ensuring the sustainable development of agroecosystems is shown. The global best practices of using innovative technologies of precision agriculture, which proved their effectiveness, were analyzed. The need and relevance of developing a mechanism for reducing environmental risks in agroecosystems of Ukraine using precision farming technologies was determined. A mechanism for reducing environmental risks in agroecosystems is developed, which outlines the management of agricultural processes using innovative technologies as a tool for optimizing resource use, reducing negative environmental impacts, and increasing the resilience of agroecosystems to climate change. It is noted that the implementation of precision agriculture technologies significantly reduces the environmental risks associated with traditional farming methods. Monitoring and diagnostics of agroecosystems within the framework of precision agriculture improve resource efficiency, reduce the negative impact on the natural environment, and enhance the sustainability of agricultural production. The optimization of agrochemicals, water, and other resources through modern technologies contributes to the conservation of natural resources and the improvement of agroecosystems ecological stability.


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