Environmental risks in rapeseed cultivation
rapeseed oil, quality composition, fodder value, pests, diseases, weedsAbstract
It has been established that rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is an important crop for global production, prima rily due to the high content and quality of the oil obtained from it. Rapeseed oil is widely used in the food industry, as well as in the medical and chemical industries. It is known that a significant amount of biodiesel is produced from rapeseed oil. Depending on the type of rapeseed processing, besides the oil, there is also cake or meal, which contains a large amount of protein. Therefore, this by-product is successfully used in livestock farming to enrich feed with protein. In order to improve the environmental situation and diversify the fuel market, the EU count ries are creating demand and stimulating further expansion of winter rapeseed crops, including in Ukraine. The increase in rapeseed production is planned not only by expanding the sown areas, but also by introducing new hybrids and improving the elements of cultivation technology. It is noted that the main environmental risks on the way to obtaining high and sustainable yields of rapeseed are pests, diseases and weeds. About 55 species of pests are known to damage rapeseed plants. Potential yield losses from pests can reach 40% or more, with a simultaneous decrease in seed quality. The most dangerous diseases in rapeseed crops are Phoma lingam, Alternaria brassicae and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Affected plants are characterised by reduced nutrient and moisture uptake from the soil and impaired photosynthesis. Complete plant death is possible. Yield losses from diseases can reach 30–50% or more. Weeds are no less harmful, competing with rapeseed plants for light, moisture and nutrients. They are especially dangerous in the initial period of growth and development, as well as during the spring vegetation recovery.
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