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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This submission was not published previously and was not sent to consideration by other journals (or in the comments for the editor below data needed explanations).
  • The view file is a document in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, and RTF.
  • Internet links in the text are accompanied by full correct URL addresses.
  • The text is typed by the 12th size of a cache with a single line spacing; Author accents in italics, not underline (everywhere except URL addresses); All the illustrations, graphs and tables are placed directly in the text, where they should be in content (not at the end of the document).
  • The text corresponds to the Stylistics and bibliography requirements laid down in the manual for Authors section  "About journal ".
  • If the material is submitted in a peer-reviewed journal section, instructions for blind review were provided with the submission file.

Author Guidelines

                         "BALANCED NATURE USING"

        Stages of consideration of materials:
  • Moderation. Materials submitted to the Editorial board are considered as moderators for their compliance with the design requirements. According to the moderation results, the article may be returned to the author for revision.
  • Review. After moderation, the article is reviewing members of the editorial board, as well as anonymous external specialists. The average review term is 2 – 3 months.
  • The article is accepted or rejected based on the findings of the reviewers and the editor's decision. Rejected articles are not re-considered. The main reasons for rejection of articles are the lack of scientific novelty, low originality, plagiarism, the inconsistency of the scientific sphere of the journal.
  • Articles that received positive reviews and accepted publication editorial, will be published in accordance with the order of receipt.

Revision of the journal "Balanced Environmental Management" takes into consideration the article in compliance with the following requirements:

Articles should be written in Ukrainian, Russian or English.

The articles submitted for publication should be original (previously not published in other editions), relevant, comply with the journal's profile, have novelty, contain a description of the basic results of the study.

The average amount of the article (without regard to abstracts and the list of references), which is published in the journal should consist of 35 000 characters (with spaces): Minimum-20 000, maximal-45 000 characters. Text font – Times New Roman, size 14, Interval 1.0; fields on all sides – 20 mm. See Appendix 1 for an example of the article.

Structure of the article:

UDC (alignment according to left margin);

Title of the article in Ukrainian (center alignment, bold, uppercase letters);

Information about author (s) in Ukrainian: initials and surname, scientific degree and academic rank, place of employment (with the indication of country and city), e-mail address for each collaborator (alignment according to left edge);

The abstract (in Ukrainian). The annotation amount is 200 – 250 words. Abstract should reflect the source data, object, purpose of the study, method or methodology of its carrying out, results, scientific contribution, conclusions and scope of results application;

Keywords (10 – 15 words);


Text of the article taking into account the necessary elements (5 requirements).

The text of the article showing its mandatory elements in accordance with the requirements of the MES of Ukraine has the following sequence: statement of the problem in the general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; Analysis of recent studies and publications that have addressed this problem and which the author relies on; Allocation of previously solved parts of a common problem, whom is devoted to designated article; Task statement; Materials and research methods; Laying the main material exploringwith the full justification of the scientific results obtained; Conclusions from the study; List of used sources at least 15 sources on the order of their mentioning (designed in accordance with standards DSTU 8302:2015).

Tables (Times New Roman font, 12 size) are placed in the text. Figures should be grouped and executed in black and white format. The format of tables and pictures is only book. You must select table and picture names in bold. Equations (with standard technical numbering) must be performed in the Microsoft Equation editor. Picture captions and formulas should be editable. References to literature should be brought directly to the text in square brackets, specifying the serial number in the source list, and by whom to mark the specific page.
After the list of used sources it is given information about author (s) in Ukrainian: full name and patronymic; Scientific degree, academic title of each author; Position and full name of the organization – Place of work, with guided of full mailing address; Email address for each author.

In the next block of information – information about the author in English, article title and abstract English (identical to Ukrainian). The abstract should reflect the source data, object, purpose of the study, method or methodology of the work, work results, scientific contribution, conclusions and scope of the results. The translation of the materials submitted in English should be performed or edited by a professional translator. Computer translation is not allowed. If the text of an article in English isn't performed professionally, it requires a significant amount of editing, and it may be returned to the author for revision or rejected publication.

According to international citation standards, article authors should also submit a list of references (References) in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) requirements. The requirements and example of References are included in Appendix 2.

After References information about the author (s) is provided in English: surname, first name, patronymic; Scientific degree, academic title of each author; Position and full name of the organization – Place of work, with guided of full mailing address; Email address for each author.

Articles should be sent electronically in the MicrosoftWord format at: Phone Edition: (044) 526-33-36. After the article is accepted, the author is sent a copy of the document on payment of publishing and polygraphic expenses. The cost of a single publication page is 65 UAH (including sending magazine to the author of the article). Reimbursement of publishing and printing costs counted by bank requisites:

Recipient: ekoinvestcom LLC

EDRPOU Code: 37716239

P/P 26007052711248 in Pechersk branch of PJSC CB "Privatbank", MFO 300711.

Purpose of payment: for preparing the article for publication in the journal "Balanced Nature Using" with the mark of the sender's name.


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