
  • Ю. Л. Білонога
  • О. Р. Максисько



heat exchangers, heat transfer coefficient, intensification, ways of intensification, surfactants


This paper deals with the issue of increasing the heat transfer coefficient of cooling and heating in processing plants. In the context of rising energy prices intensification of heat exchange processes is a challenge for the food industry. The article analyzes the modern methods of intensifying the process of heat exchange, and also provides a low-cost method of heat transfer when using surface-active agents (surfactants). Intensifying effect of surfactants - this change in physico-chemical properties of the technological environment, namely a decrease of the surface tension of the liquid at the boundary wall of the heat exchanger, heat exchange operating fluid, dynamic viscosity liquid cosine of the contact angle. The heat transfer coefficient of heat exchange equipment is determined by the components of the thermal resistance of the regenerative thermal resistance wall and laminar boundary layers. Adding the optimum concentration of the surfactant to the coolant provides a decrease in the average thickness of the boundary laminar (L) layer in the wall of the heat exchanger-flow and improving the overall heat transfer coefficient of heat exchange equipment. In this paper the example of normalized tube heat exchanger shown that the addition of a concentration (0.05 ... 0.15) masses. %. nonionic calculated heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger tube bundle grows by 23%, while its flow resistance is not increased


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