Spectral-temporal analysis of long-period climatic series, the core of the Greenland borehole as an example


  • T. E. Danova Odessa State Ecological University, Odessa, Ukraine
  • B. V. Perelygin Odessa State Ecological University, Odessa, Ukraine




the restored series of air temperature, spectral-temporal analysis, harmonics


Spectral-temporal analysis of harmonics of restored series of air and temperature in the central part of Greenland has revealed two periods with the maximal values of energy of the spectrum. It has been shown that the least value harmonic behaves stably in time. All harmonics are characterized by the maximal values of energy during the periods of spasmodic variations of air temperature, the least values of energy are observed during the periods of small temperature disturbances.


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How to Cite

Danova, T. E., & Perelygin, B. V. (2016). Spectral-temporal analysis of long-period climatic series, the core of the Greenland borehole as an example. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 38(3), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.24028/gzh.0203-3100.v38i3.2016.107783


