Global factors in geodeformation processes of the orogenic and platform regions


  • V. P. Rudakov Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, Russian Federation
  • V. V. Tsyplakov Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, Russian Federation
  • V. K. Milyukov Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Russian Federation



An analysis was performed to compare results of deformometric measurements from the Caucasus orogen and data of fluid dynamic (emanation) monitoring geodeformation processes from the conjugated East European Platform. It allowed us to identify spectral components, first of all, in a range of lunar-solar tides that demonstrates a relationship between the analyzed fields and global geodeformation processes. Moreover, the analysis made it possible to reveal some prominent features of changes in the measured parameters during global changes in tense-deformed state in the Earth's crust, in particular, during preparation and realization of catastrophic earthquakes in the Indian Ocean on 26 December, 2004 and 28 March, 2005.


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How to Cite

Rudakov, V. P., Tsyplakov, V. V., & Milyukov, V. K. (2013). Global factors in geodeformation processes of the orogenic and platform regions. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 35(3), 186–190.



Scientific Reports