On the prospects for the discovery of massive hydrocarbon deposits in the heterogeneous traps of the Black Sea
Due to well known economical and ecological reasons it is advisable to direct geological prospecting and geophysical exploration, particularly in the Black Sea mega-depression towards searching for considerable hydrocarbons fields within massive pools. The main prospects for discovery of such major and gigantic oil and gas fields are related to: deep faults, disintegrated rocks of basement (and also intermediate complex); biocarbonate buildups of different age reef-carbonate Mesozoic and Cenozoic complexes and heterogeneous reservoirs (traps) related to their paragenetic junctions. Availability of certain geodynamic, tectonic and oil-gas bearing analogies between different segments of the Black sea region and the South-China sea (specifically, the Vietnamese shelf where such well known fields as White Tiger, Dragon and other related to granite uplifts and draping sedimentary complexes), the peculiarities of Black sea well-known knowledge of gas regime (unprecedented intensity of gas flow through the sea bottom, huge methane accumulations in gas-hydrates and its unique amount in water-dissolved state), together with interdisciplinary geologic-geophysical investigations allow us to make high assessment of its hydrocarbon potential and prospects for discovery of significant fields within massive pools.References
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