Megatube of degassing of the Sea of Azov: analysis of the results of 3D magnetic modeling in a complex with geological-geophysical data
3D magnetic model, degassing tube, super-deep fluid, neo-tectonic activation, oil-and-gas contentAbstract
A set of known features have been used for the first time to classify the deep mantle fluid spanning the whole aquatic area of the Sea of Azov, the Kerch peninsula and the northern part of the northeastern shelf of the Black Sea as a degassing tube. In consolidated Earth crust they include a ring structure in its center specified by our studies of magnetic data, the knots of cross-section of fault zones, distribution of disturbing and magnetic objects, presence of wave-guide, special features of heat flow and neo-tectonic activity of faults, existence of blocks and ring structures of different ranks, position of oil and gas deposits and in the lithospheric mantle presence of low velocity zone. Degassing tube is a through-formational fluid-intake system of pulsating degassing. Heterogenous structure of the Earth crust within the mega-tube is stipulated by repeated multiple-aged supply of fluids resulted in formation of complicated system of fluidization consisting of endogenous ring structures — the foci of vertical migration of fluids. Heterogeneity of elements distribution of this system can be explained by multichannel ascending outburst of fluid in pulsating regime, vortex migration of fluids and the change of «cold» and «hot» branches of degassing. Manifestations of «hot» degassing are intensely magnetized sources of magnetic anomalies in the southern part of the structure, stipulated by magmatic formations; the products of «cold» degassing are relatively weakly magnetized in the north in the area of decompaction of the whole section of the Earth crust where gas deposits are concentrated. In the light of determined in many regions of the world present-day supply of acting hydrocarbon deposits by mantle fluids the results obtained may be the basis of new model for prediction and rating of hydrocarbon potential as well as optimization of geological explorations in Azov-Berezan and Indol-Kuban gas-bearing areas.References
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