P-velocity of the upper mantle
The authors have constructed models featuring seismic P-wave velocity distribution in the upper mantle beneath oceanic, continental and transition regions, such as mid-ocean ridges, basins, trenches, island arcs, and back-arc troughs, Atlantic transitional zones, flanking plateaus of mid-ocean ridges, platforms, geosynclines, rifts, recent activation zones. The models are in agreement with the deep-seated processes in the tectonosphere as predicted in terms of the advection-polymorphism hypothesis. The models for areas of island arcs and coastal ridges are similar to those for alpine geosynclines disturbed by recent activation. The models for areas of mid-ocean ridges and back-arc troughs are identical. They fit the pattern of recent heat-and-mass transfer in the case of rifting, which, given the basic crust with continental thickness, leads to oceanization. The model for the basin reflects the effect of thermal anomalies smoothing beneath mid-ocean ridges or back-arc troughs about 60 million years later. The model for the trench and flanking plateau reflects the result of lateral heating of the mantle’s upper layers beneath the quiescent block from the direction of the island arc and basin (trench) and mid-ocean ridge and basin (flanking plateau).
A detailed bibliography on regions covered by studies was presented in the authors’ earlier publications over past eight years. There are quite significant differences between models for regions of the same type that are described in publications of other authors. This is largely due to the fact that individual authors adopt a priori concepts on the velocity structure of the upper mantle.
High variability of seismic P-wave velocities within the subsurface depth interval has been detected as a result of all sufficiently detailed studies. This variability is responsible for the sharp increase in the scatter of arrival times of waves from earthquakes at small angular distances. The corresponding segments of travel-time graphs were simply ignored, and the graphs started from about 3° after which the scatter of arrival time acquired a stable character. Accordingly, velocity profiles were constructed, as a rule, starting from depths of about 50 km. The constructed velocity profiles vary little from region to region with the same type of endogenous regimes. This enables us to maintain that the models represent standard (typical) VP distributions in the mantle beneath the regions, just as presumed in terms of the theory.
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