Deep structure and tectonics of the South Ukrainian monocline in the zone of juncture of the East European platform and the Scythian plate (according to gravimetric data)
South Ukrainian monocline, East European platform, Scythian plate, density modeling, deep structure, tectonicsAbstract
In order to investigate the deep structure and tectonics of the central part of the South Ukrainian monocline (SUM), a detailed study of this structure was carried out using a network of gravimetric profiles. It is shown that on the part of the SUM, which belongs to the southern edge of the East European Platform (EEP), the basement is split into separate blocks with different characteristics of the consolidated crust. The crust of the Scythian Plate (SP) within the SUM has undergone considerable changes as a result of tectonic activation and significant complications of its structure. The distribution into the areas with different density characteristics of the basement of EEP and SP does not coincide, indicating that the development of the latter has not been fully inherited from the former. The obtained results, compared with data from other researchers in Prydobrydzha and Crimea, show that the northwestern shelf is an intermediate link between these terranes. A tectonic scheme of the research area based on the hypsometry of the surface of the second layer of the basement was built on the basis of the simulation. It was shown that the southern edge of the platform has undergone rather insignificant transformations, which are manifested in the emergence of an elongated intracrustal graben system along the EEP/SP boundary, divided by sublatitudinal faults into three blocks with different parameters. At the northern margin of the SP within the SUM, in addition to the grabens and horsts in the basement, there are sags and uplifts with boundary faults without vertical crustal displacements along them. Areas of the heterogeneous-heterochronous structure of the crust of the Baikal, Hercynian, and Kimmerian generations have been identified within SUM part of the SP. It has been determined that the Golitsyn fault system and the northern flank of the Karkinit trough were further restructuring during the Alpine tectogenesis phase. A variant of the Scythian Plate origin scenario based on the Mobilist ideas is proposed and substantiated by the results of the conducted studies and the available geological and geophysical information as a discussion.
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