Facial composition of the deposits of the productive strata based on qualitative interpretation of the log data


  • K.A. Kerimova Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
  • A.A. Samadzadeh Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan




facies, alluvial riverbeds, alluvial river channels, coastal sea, genesis, spatial model


As is known, most of the discovered oil and gas fields in Azerbaijan are associated with terrigenous deposits; thus, the successful discovery of new fields largely depends on determining the genesis of terrigenous formations.

Determining the genesis of reservoir deposits allows apetroleum geologist to more accurately predict the reservoir’sshape and change its main parameters in both lateral and vertical directions.This information also allows us to choose a rational drilling operationsystem in the field. Comprehension of the genesis of the productive stratum deposits is also important in developing oil and gas fields.

The research of the genesis of deposits of productive series is of great interest given the acceleration of exploration and evaluation of their oil and gas potential. In this regard, using the ««qualitative logging facies models» proposed by V.S. Muromtsev in the article, the sections of the wells of the Garbi Absheron, Shimali Absheron, Khazri, and Arzu structures of the North Absheron zone of the uplift PS suites «Fasila», «Upper Kirmaky Clayey» (UKC) and on the sedimentary rocks of the «Upper Kirmaky Sandy» (UKS) formation, a lithofacial analysis of sedimentary rocks was carried out, the genesis of sedimentary rocks was established, and an explanation of the results obtained was given.

Geophysical logging data of the borehole potential curve of intrinsic polarisation were used to build spatial models and 3D models. The constructed models allow us to attribute various shapes of the well potential curve (WP) to deposits of a defined facies composition.

In the research work, the total thickness of facies for the UKC and UKS suites was calculated, three-dimensional spatial models were built considering the variation in their thickness by structuresof the North Absheron zone of the uplift, and 3D models were built by the structures located on them.The facies composition of the sediments of the layers in the «Fasila», «UKC» and «UKS» formations was determined based on created models selected by their appearance and forms of display from WP diagrams of well sections in the Garbi Absheron, Shimali Absheron, Khazri, and Arzu structures.

These models are major for accurately calculating oil and gas reserves in the area, for drilling and designing new wells, and refining the operation scheme.


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How to Cite

Kerimova, K., & Samadzadeh, A. (2023). Facial composition of the deposits of the productive strata based on qualitative interpretation of the log data. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 45(5). https://doi.org/10.24028/gj.v45i5.289107


