Reservoir-triggered seismicity: case study of the Dnister Hydro Power Complex (Ukraine)


  • K. Tretyak Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • I. Brusak Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • R. Pronyshyn Department of Seismicity of the Carpathian Region of the S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



Reservoir-triggered seismicity, water level changes, Dnister Hydro Power Complex, Dnister Reservoir


The work considers the seismic activity around the Dnister Hydro Power Complex in the Dnister Reservoir area from 2012 to 2021. Maximum local magnitude of earthquakes for the studied period is ML=3.4. Hypocenters of earthquakes are at the depth of 1—3 km. They are located nearby to previously established faults and contacts of structures with a different lithological composition. Artificial water level regulation in the reservoir is related to the operation of the Dnister Hydro Power Plant and, according to our results, probably affects the occurrence of seismic events. Although the maximum water level changes only by 8.7 m, the region has increased natural seismicity and is located in the transition zone between 6th and 7th isoseims according to the seismic zoning map of Ukraine. Accumulated natural stresses can be triggered into earthquakes when there is a sudden change in water pressure. The seismicity of the region around the Dnister Reservoir was investigated for 10 years, taking into account the water level data in the reservoir, as well as comparing the location of earthquakes with the State Geological Map of the Crystalline Foundation. The profile of the State Geological Map of the Crystalline Foundation with the projected earthquakes hypocenters allowed to indicate that a significant number of earthquakes are located between different lithological structures. In order to assess the interrelationship between seismicity and water level changes in the reservoir, 111 periods of lowering or filling of the reservoir were selected. Parameters of seismic activity within the periods were calculated and analysed. Correlation between the sum of logarithms of energy with water volume changes and pressure changes in the Dnister Reservoir was established. Considering linear dependence it is possible to predict potential intensity of local seismicity caused by water level changes in the Dnister Reservoir.


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How to Cite

Tretyak, K., Brusak, I., & Pronyshyn, R. (2024). Reservoir-triggered seismicity: case study of the Dnister Hydro Power Complex (Ukraine). Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 46(1).


